Criminal & Civil Attorneys in Gambia
Solie Law are a Gambian firm of lawyers otherwise known as attorneys, advocate or solicitors.We offer specialist advice on the laws in Gambia and offer legal services and representation in The Gambia for matters involving family, income tax, sales tax, matrimonial, marriage, court, accident injuries, acquisitions, adoption, asset protection aviation, banking and finance, bankruptcy, business and commercial, buying selling real estate, car accident, child support, class action commerical leasing, consumer, contract, copyright, corporate, criminal law, civil law, disability, discrimination, divorce, drug crimes, e-commerce, education, employee, employment, entertainment & sports, environment, estate taxes, executors, family law, fore closures, health insurance, immigration visa, incorporation international law, internet/cyber law, tax audit, joint ventures, landlord and tenant, law suit, licensing agreement, limited liabiliy companies, litigation and appeals, medical malpractice, medical negligence, arbitration and collaboration, marriage law, mergers, motor vehicles, partnership, patents, personal injury, prenuptial agreement, wills, probate, securities and investments, sexual harassment, taxation, torts, trade marks, trusts, warranties, workers compensation, wrongful death and wrongful termination.
Criminal & Civil Attorneys in Gambia
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